You can find Quality in all Tiers of PPH Prices
There is that saying “you get what you pay for.” Not so in the pay per head industry and PPH prices. It applies in any market whether you are buying a car or a kitchen knife. You can go the cheap route, but you often end up spending more in the long run when you are forced to do what you should have done in the first place – buy the best.
It’s the same in the pay per head market. Bookies looking to go the cheap route will end up setting themselves back a few months. They will soon realize that they just aren’t getting enough value for their cost. Ultimately, they will switch pay per head providers choosing a service that is more expensive but provides much better service.
Safety & Security is Most Important
There are a number of things a bookie should look for when seeking out a PPH service. At or near the top should be safety and security. Your players want to be sure that their personal and financial information isn’t going to be hacked and stolen.
The best in the PPH industry understand technology and put a premium on security measures. Doing so requires higher costs to develop the system as well as maintain and update it. Pay per head companies offering low per head costs might be cutting corners on security. Bookies that want to develop a solid reputation in the industry can’t afford to cut those corners.
Speaking of technology, one of the worst things that can happen to you as a bookie is for your website-based pay per head sportsbook to go down. If your operation goes offline, you are losing money and your customers are getting angry. It is imperative that you have the best bookie software available.
Again, developing and maintaining a system that is available 24 hours a day every day takes an investment of both time and money. That is reflected in a per head fee. A PPH fee that is too good to be true probably is because the provider isn’t putting enough into its software technology.
Related Link > Is Your PPH Offering Enough NBA Betting Variety?
Customer Service and PPH Prices
What can really set you apart from the rest of the market is the ability to appear like you are some giant sportsbook operation with a customer service team that is available every day, 24 hours a day, all year long.
That team answers the phone, email, or chat and takes care of any and every customer issue imaginable. A customer has an issue with a payout? Your professional customer service team will take care of it.
A pay per head service that skimps on customer service will lead to a bookie hemorrhaging customers. They will find other books that care for their customers better.
Find Value in a Good Thing
PPH prices should not be what drives a bookie’s decision of which pay per head company to use. The best PPH providers offer bookies numerous benefits for their per head fee. Those benefits include managing your book, expertise, and access to the latest in sportsbook technologies.
If you chose your current pay per head because of the cheap price, it’s time to rethink that decision and find the PPH provider that can help you build your business and reap the rewards of doing so.