The Bookie’s Guide to NBA Trade Betting

The Bookie’s Guide to NBA Trade Betting

One of the biggest factors in running a profitable bookie business is knowing as much about your products as you can. This means learning about different sports, various leagues, tournaments, regulations, and more. For instance, if you want to be a basketball bookie, then you should know about the different sports leagues around the world. If you specialize in US basketball, then you need to know about NCAA Basketball and the NBA. Not only that, but you also have to understand how the league operates, and what events you can monetize through sports betting. Aside from games, there are multiple things people can bet on. One of which, is the NBA Trade.

NBA Trade Betting

The Bookie’s Guide to NBA Trade BettingAs a pay per head bookie, you need to know the calendar of each league’s season. At this point in the NBA Offseason, we will be getting a lot of action on drafts, trades, and more. Keep in mind that each team has a salary cap, which makes things a bit more predictable in terms of the caliber of players each team can get.

In addition, teams can also trade their draft pick slots. For example, one team can get a player they want, and offer the other team their slot at first round draft pick this coming season, or even the next season. A lot of people place bets on which team will get a player, depending on the lineup that year.

NBA Trades: What to Watch Out For

Teams will adjust their player needs according to their roster status, or their salary cap. For instance, if a certain team is lacking a player, but have a well-oiled team with big personalities, then they will most likely want someone who will fit in but also get along with the current roster. This could mean either getting a draft, trading for a draft pick slot, or trading for a rookie from another team.

And since we also have to look at the salary cap, then we can also see that some wagers or rumors would not even be that possible since the cap will be reached- unless multiple players are traded. One thing to help you here is to look at the line movement from bookie software for sportsbooks, and by checking the news. It also helps to follow the social media accounts of key players and news correspondents.


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